What is it? FaceTite is the most advanced facial contouring and refinement procedure, comparable to a surgical facelift, but without large scars and surgery! FaceTite provides dramatic improvement in skin laxity on the face and neck, which was previously only attainable through a surgical procedure such as a facelift.
How does it work? FaceTite utilizes minimally invasive radio-frequency energy to melt fat and tighten skin. FaceTite addresses skin laxity concerns, resulting in a well-contoured and toned face, as an alternative to more aggressive options, such as a facelift.
What is it? With immediate results, AccuTite is a revolutionary in-office, minimally invasive treatment for saggy skin or excess fat in smaller and/or hard-to-reach areas.
How does it work? With Accutite, Dr. Asfa is able to apply focal radio frequency contraction, and prevent the need for more invasive or excisional surgery. AccuTite is the most advanced and newest of the RFAL (radio frequency assisted lipolysis) family of technologies.
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